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Tools: Terascan
How to start Terascan
Terascan Functions and GUIs
Terascan masters


Terascan is used for mapping and gridding and for calibration of the satellite data. There are commands for the direct injestion of raw level 1B data into Terascan.

How to start Terascan

  • Two versions of Terascan (2.6 and 3.1) are installed in this department.

  • To start terascan 2.6, type terascan on a xterm, a new xterm titled terascan 2.6 will come out.

  • To start terascan 3.1, type ts31 on a xterm, a new xterm titled terascan 3.1 will come out.

  • All the terascan command-line functions and Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) should be used under the terascan environment.

  • Notice : You may need to shell to computer ashcloud first, because of color demands.

Terascan Functions and GUIs

  • Help for terascan command-line functions can be found at TeraScan Online Reference Manual. Online help is also available by entering man command.

  • Terascan has several Graphical User Interfaces, information about terascan GUIs can be found at TeraScan Online Reference Manual under the "What is TeraScan ?".

  • Three terascan GUIs, xvu, tvis and tmaster, may be of particular interest to you.

  • xvu is the GUI for displaying and manipulating data. To start xvu from the command line, enter xvu &.

  • tvis has capabilities similar to those of xvu, but uses a fancier interface. To start tvis from the command line, enter tvis &.

  • tmaster is a GUI for viewing, creating, and modifying masters. To start tmaster from the command line, enter tmaster &.

  • Notice : It is better to start xvu first, otherwise there may not be enough colors left for xvu.

Terascan masters

  • Masters are used in Terascan for three purposes:

    1. As a base map to which the sensor view of the data is corrected to an earth-located view of the data, a process known as registration.

    2. As a criterion for scheduling pass capture. Satellite passes are scheduled for capture only if the satellite reaches a specified minimum elevation relative to the center of the area defined by the master.

    3. To delimit a subset of data from a whole pass for processing, instead of processing the entire pass. In this case, data processing is limited to a line-by-sample rectangle of data sufficient to encompass the area defined by the master.

  • To create a master file, use the command-line finction master or GUI tmaster.


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http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/vc_web/tools/t_terascan.html -- Revised: 25 OCTOBER 2000
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Email questions about the content of this Web page to: Tianxu Yu <tyu@mtu.edu>