Import ascii data to terascan

Suppose an ascii data example.asc has following format :

77.32584        -8.066422       -24.57317       -38.69596
77.32727        -7.863758       -23.50819       -37.47983
77.33028        -7.661971       -23.61618       -37.14984
77.33568        -7.459223       -23.75363       -37.08227
77.34459        -7.256912       -23.87097       -36.80786
77.35297        -7.052392       -24.58463       -37.07067
77.36022        -6.852204       -22.59094       -36.5793
77.36695        -6.647685       -23.73263       -36.77684
This example.asc data has 8 rows and 4 columns and the first two columns are latitude and longitude.

To import this example.asc data to terascan, use impasc and imgrid

spectral06(4)% impasc
in/out files   : char(255) ? example.asc example.asc.tdf
dim_sizes      : int (  3) ? 8 
dim_names      : char( 31) ? [points] 
var_names      : char(255) ? latitude longitude b1 b2
var_units      : char(127) ? [- - - - ] 
var_types      : char( 63) ? fl fl fl fl
var_badvals    : real(  4) ? [0 0 0 0] 
start_fields   : int (  4) ? [1 2 3 4] 
fields_per_var : int       ? [1] 
delimeter      : char(  1) ? [] 
example.asc: 8/8 complete lines found
spectral06(6)% imgrid
in/out files   : char(255) ? example.asc.tdf example.asc.tdf.grid
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master] masterfile 
grid_spacing   : int       ? [1] 
search_radius  : int       ? [10]2
wt_power       : int       ? [2] 
z_variable     : char(255) ? latitude longitude b1 b2
z_index        : int       ? [1] 
display the image example.asc.tdf.grid using xvu or tvis.