Eruptive history of Stromboli, Italy

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Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Isole Eolie), Sicily, Italy

Eruptive history

Indivdual eruptive periods larger than the "normal" activity of Stromboli are displayed in the Historic Record of Eruptions.

"Larger than normal" is defined here as Strombolian explosions occurring at irregular intervals lasting from 5 minutes to >1 hour, with explosions consisting of short (i.e., less than 1 minute) bursts of incandescent lava fragments, ash, or both together. Part of the "normal" activity is characterized as well by the presence of active lava (small lava ponds) in one or more vents. Activity departing from "normal" is defined as prolonged Strombolian bursts or fountaining (>1 minute), strong explosions with block and bomb ejection onto Pizzo sopra la Fossa or beyond, pyroclastic flows (glowing avalanches), and emission of lava flows.

More important eruptions are briefly described to give an impression of what may occur, although rarely, at Stromboli (see sample: 1930 eruption, below). For a comprehensive picture of Stromboli's long-term activity (i.e., in the course of several years), the period 1985-1995 is summarized (including personal accounts of seven visits in six years). This may be taken as largely representative, although events on a scale comparable to that of the 1919 or 1930 eruptions did not occur during this period.

Photographs (taken from the same point) showing Stromboli in eruption at night and during the day, 22 August 1994. Night view (left) shows continuous lava fountaining from small cinder cone in crater 1 shortly after midnight on 22 August 1994. Daylight view was taken at around noon that day and shows lava fountain from broad vent in front of the cone seen erupting in left image.

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