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Experimental Course

Volcano Instability

Spring 2007


Those interested in this class should contact their local EHaz coordinator! 

At Michigan Tech students who wish to take the class should register for GE 5185 (CRN # 13005, 13006).

This class is offered Spring Semester 2007.  It is meant as a prelude to a field trip in August 2007 by EHaz to the Cascades and British Columbia to see landslides, edifice collapses, debris avalanches and debris flows. 

The goal of the course is to gain an advanced view of the state of the art for interdisciplinary research on volcano instability and how to potentially forecast it.  We plan to invite speakers to give one or more contributed lectures with readings in a manner similar to the Supereruptions class of 2006. 

The EHaz universities (Michigan Tech, Buffalo, McGill, Simon Fraser, UNAM and Colima) will be the main participants, but lectures will come from many other sources. There will be guest lectures every week delivered via PowerPoint files with narration or notes. A prediscussion of the lecture with all students will occur online from 4-5 pm on tuesdays.

The speaker will join the web discussions on Thursday from 4 to 5:30 pm, to allow for questions and discussion. Each student will receive the PowerPoint lectures before the discussion, and review them at their own convenience. The PowerPoint will be online for the discussion to allow referring to figure material.

The software used for teleconference discussions is Marratech, and Michigan Tech has arranged for a web home connection for our class. Marratech can be accessed from any computer linked to the web and is designed for discussions online.


Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Michigan Technological University | College of Engineering
© 2007 Michigan Technological University


Last Modified: 01/18/2007

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