Santa María Volcano, Guatemala

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Volcano Number 1402-03

Other Names Used

Santa María:
*Gagxanul, "The Naked Volcano"
(Recinos and Goetz, 1953)

Santiaguito (The dome extruded since 1922):
*Hijo del volcán
*Niño De Jesús


Height of the top above sea level: 3768 m
Height above plain of Quezaltenango: 1170 m

Location/Geological Setting

Santa María/Santiaguito's position along the northern extent of the Central American volcanic arc. Late Quaternary stratovolcanoes are marked by bullseyes and include: (1) Tacaná, (2) Siete Orejas, Santa-María/Santiaguito, (3) Atitlán volcanoes (San Pedro, Tolimán, and Atitlán), (4) Acatenango and Fuego, (5) Agua, (6) Pacaya, and (7) Tecuamburro (Conway et al., 1994).

How To Get There

Topographic Maps And Air Photos


Type Of Edifice


Age Of The Volcanism

Eruption History

Volcanic Products


Volcanic Risk at Santa María

Decade Volcano
