Jacobsville Quarries


Copper Country Explorer:  (an inspiration to all of us!)

Jacobsville, History        Images

Jacobsville Quarries p. 1                   

Jacobsville Quarries p. 2

Jacobsville Quarries p. 3

Lake Superior Shoreviewer, Houghton County  #21


Jacobsville Quarries were very active in the period from 1880 to 1920, when the sandstone was fashionable and used for many buildings, not only in Michigan and nearby areas, but all over the eastern US.  The sandstone was quarried near Jacobsville in a half dozen sites, and shipped from docks right offshore. The quarries are now filled with water and overrun with fungi, trees and scrubs, but still containing much of the industrial machinery of the quarry. The large quarries featured  amazingly homogeneous beds of red sandstone, which were cut into large blocks for building.

Jacobsville Cliffs, N of Jacobsville

  Jim Belote

Crossbedded Jacobsville Sandstone, N of Jacobsville

  Jim Belote