Oct 20, 2015


Richelle Winkler  - Professor  Profile


Carnegie Museum Community Room,

Downtown Houghton


6:30 pm: Refreshments and introductions

7-8 pm:  Seminar and Discussion

Changing Participation in Hunting and Fishing: Are we seeing a broad shift away?

Fishing and hunting are key ways that people interact with the natural world and cultivate environmental awareness. We fund our state natural resource agencies and associated habitat and conservation programs primarily through license fees and excise taxes on fishing and hunting gear. But since about 1980 the number of fishing and hunting licenses sold in the US has been declining. Michigan and Wisconsin are two of the highest participation states, but our numbers are also declining. This presentation will explore the details of participation change by birth cohort for males and females across Michigan and Wisconsin counties and project what this means for future participation and for governing our natural resources.