Geoparks Here in UP

This website aims to explore and promote the idea of a Geopark in the western UP, celebrating the geological impetus for immigration and human development.


We are blessed with a high quality of life here in the UP, because of the natural beauty of the largest and cleanest of the Great Lakes and the more limited touch of man. In a boreal setting, we are surrounded by fresh water. In this place there are vast shorelines of bare rock, where people discovered minerals that made some of them rich beyond belief and started a rush of European immigration to the wilderness. It is unique to have such enormous lakes in a mid-continent site.  Of all the Great Lakes, Superior is the cleanest and biggest.  It is closer to its natural state and captures the original pristine character in six national parks and dozens of state parks. There are many powerful places where nature is displayed and history has been made. A special part of the region is the geological underpinnings, which expose the ancient geology of early earth.  The glacial covering is thin and underlain by very ancient rocks which record a dramatically different time. The passage of people to and from this place is similarly rich and diverse. In short, the area has all the features of Geoparks, an international concept aimed at environmental education and global consciousness.

Le Roche Vert

The Green Rock (Le Roche Vert) is the vein of chrysocolla shown by the red lines on the geologic map at right.  It extends from near the lighthouse out into the lake to the north and south across to Fort Wilkins. It was geoheritage started by native americans long before Europeans came to the copper country....

Le Roche Vert