


GE 4150/5150 Natural Hazards Exam 1 – Fall 2005



1-5. Choose any 5 to answer. Define/identify and explain it’s importance (5 points each).

Seismic tremor






Nuee ardente


Landsat ETM+





6. (10 pts) List the necessary components of a hazard warning message; what information is essential for the public to know?



7. (10 pts) What are the Landsat spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions, and why are they so useful for studying natural hazards?



8. (15pts) Describe the mechanisms by which the larger-sized particles in lahars move to the front and sides of the flow. Describe how lahars are capable of intense destruction, and the common types of injuries that result.



9. (20 pts) Contrast the hazards and mitigation efforts of the Pelee 1902 and Paricutin 1943 eruptions.





10. (20 pts) This is the eruption cloud from last week’s eruption of Sierra Negra, Galapagos Islands. Describe the physical processes which create the following features, and label them on the picture:

      a. Overshoot

      b. Cloud-atmosphere thermal equilibrium

      c. Volcanic thrust region

      d. Convection