Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 11 December
to 16:00 12 December 1996
The current alert level is ORANGE

The volcano has been quiet during the last 24 hours. However this does not mean that the situation is any less dangerous. The Galway's Wall could collapse at any time, and trigger a lateral blast. The areas designated as zone A/B in the temporary risk map are extremely dangerous, as a lateral blast may cause pyroclastic flows and surges in any direction. In the very worst case, such surges could affect the top of St Georges Hill, and that area, or any other part of zone C/D, should not be occupied at night. Residents of zone E must remain alert, as the conditions could change suddenly and require the evacuation of zone E. At this time, the scientists are confident that zone E remains safe.

No volcano-tectonic earthquakes have been recorded since yesterday afternoon. Seven landslides from the Galway's Wall occurred, along with a single dome rockfall. There was also some flash flood activity in Fort Ghaut and the Tar River valley.

No visual inspections of the Galway's Wall were possible today, because of the persistent low cloud and rain. However, we know from the seismic signals that the wall is still gradually crumbling.

No EDM measurements were possible because of the weather conditions.

Dr Simon Young left Montserrat for a short visit to the UK. In his absence, Dr Willy Aspinall, who arrived this afternoon, is acting as Chief Scientist.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory