Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 11 December
to 07:00 12 December 1996
The current alert level is ORANGE

The situation at the volcano continues to be extremely serious. If the Galway's Wall or the dome collapse, there is a serious risk of lateral blasts that could cause pyroclastic flows and surges in any direction around the volcano. Such an event could occur at any time with no warning. The revised risk map is still in operation, and zone A/B is extremely dangerous. We urge that nobody should be in this area today. Zone E remains safe at this time, and the airport is open.

The level of seismic activity has been low overnight. The most recent volcano-tectonic earthquake swarm ended gradually during yesterday. Overnight, there have been no further earthquakes. However, the Galway's Wall continues to collapse, and there were six landslides recorded by the seismic network between 8 pm and 2:30 am.

No views of the dome or the wall have been possible so far, because of the poor weather conditions. If the weather improves, the MVO team will continue to install a television camera near the Galway's Wall, which will greatly improve our ability to monitor the wall.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory