Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 29 November
to 07:00 30 November 1996
The current alert level is ORANGE

The volcano remained quiet overnight, but the situation is still extremely serious. Observations of Galway's wall yesterday indicate that the wall is becoming more fractured and unstable, and could collapse at any time, leading to a lateral blast. The October 1 dome continues to grow, and more rockfalls and pyroclastic flows to the east are possible. These twin dangers mean that nobody should enter zones A and B under any circumstances. This includes the St Patricks, Galways, Long Ground and Tar River areas. There is a very real risk of death.

The level of seismic activity has been low overnight, and no avalanches from the Galway's Wall were detected. There have been a few rockfalls from the dome.

The MVO team will make further observations of the Galway's Wall this morning.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory