Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 29 October
to 16:00 30 October 1996
The current alert level is AMBER

The level of activity at the volcano was low overnight but increased during the day. The seismicity has been dominated by volcano-tectonic earthquakes, and rockfall signals. Visibility has been generally poor for most of the period although some brief views were obtained of the new dome.

Eleven volcano-tectonic earthquakes occurred during the period, of which nine were large enough to locate. These events did not occur as a swarm but most were recorded after about 14:46 this afternoon. The VTs were located at shallow depths beneath the crater. Seven rockfalls, most of which occurred overnight, were also recorded during the period. One regional event was recorded by the seismic network at 07:43 today.

The viewing conditions was poor for most of the day although the dome was visible for brief periods. Clear conditions overnight allowed observation of incandescent material on several areas of the eastern side of the new dome. Small semi-continuous rockfalls were also observed from the north-east and south-eastern flanks of the dome. Most of these events were too small to generate a seismic signal. Observations from Whites today indicate that the main features of the dome are essentially unchanged since yesterday.

A GPS survey of southern parts of the volcano was completed today. The results of this survey is currently being processed.

No EDM or COSPEC measurements were made today.

The volcano remains in an active and highly dangerous state. Further activity, possibly leading to an explosive event could occur with little warning in the near future. Everyone who enters the evacuated zone must remain alert and be ready to move at short notice. Individuals who go beyond the Long Ground area into the Tar River valley are risking death.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory