Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Update
0700H 10 June, 1996

Volcanic activity at the Soufriere Hill Volcano has been at a similar level to yesterday. Small- to moderate-size rockfall signals has been recorded on seismic stations closest to the volcano. There were a greater number of moderate-sized signals during the night but the frequency of the small events has remained unchanged. Several long-period events and one volcano-tectonic earthquake were also recorded by seismic stations close to the volcano.

Low-amplitude broadband tremor has decreased but has been generally intermittent for most of the night. One teleseismic event was recorded by all seismic stations at 00:17 on 10 June.

Clear conditions during most of the night allowed viewing of incandescent material on the northwestern and northeastern flanks of the volcano. Near-continuous streams of hot ash and larger rock fragments were observed from the northwestern flank of the dome and were clearly visible from several areas to the west of the volcano. There were other areas of incandescence visible on the northern and northeastern parts of the dome but these areas were quite inactive with no rockfalls occurring. Low cloud during the early morning has prevented views of all but the lower flank of the dome.

Observations during the night and early morning indicate that the northwestern part of the dome is still quite active with frequent rockfalls into the area behind the Gages wall. The continuing buildup of hot rock behind the Gages wall have increased danger levels on the western side of the volcano. Visits to the evacuated zone should be kept to a minimum. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas remain extremely dangerous and other areas around the Upper parts of the Gages Valley would become equally dangerous. People should not enter these areas under any circumstances. If they do, they put themselves at direct risk of serious injury or horrible death.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory