Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 on 24 March 1996
to 16:00 on 25 March 1996

The level of seismicity during the period under review was about the same as the past two days, and was again dominated by long-period earthquakes and rockfall events. Fifty-one events were recorded, of which about 25 were due to rockfalls from the dome.

The eastern EDM triangle was measured today, and showed almost no movement of Castle Peak since it was last measured yesterday.

Visual observations were made this morning from the helicopter in good viewing conditions. The dome continues to steam and degas from various locations. The area just west of the Castle Peak dome was steaming rather vigorously. Like the previous two days, rockfalls continue to occur from mainly two locations on the dome - near Farrell's and to the north of Castle Peak. In the latter area, material has a clear path to roll down the valley near the Tar River Soufriere. The hot ash clouds that these small rockfalls produce are easily swept to the west by the winds. These have been the source of the frequent ash clouds observed recently. The clouds are expected to continue while the dome growth remains confined to this area.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory