Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 on 24 November
to 16:00 on 25 November 1995

Ninety nine (99) earthquakes have been located for this period; processing continues for the remainder of data collected during the period and the final earthquake count will be reported in a future volcanic update. The seismicity was mainly concentrated at depths of 0 to 3 km beneath Soufriere Hills volcano. Seismicity continues at a relatively high level, with volcano-tectonic earthquakes domonating the records. The level and style of sei9smicity is consistent with continued slow dome growth within the area of English's Crater

A blanket of low level cloud again allowed only one EDM line measurement to be made today. At Tar River, very little shortening was recorded on the line, thus continuing a trend established 12 days ago. This trend of daily shortening of a few millimetres is well below levels of immediate concern.

GPS (Global Positioning System) surveys continue to be carried out each day. The Tar River to Reid's Hill and Tar River to St. George's Hill lines continue to show rates of lengthening of a few millimetres per day, which is consistent with the trend established by the EDM measurements at Tar River.

No visual observations were made from the rim of English's Crater due to the low cloud cover which remained over the summit area all day.

Plans have been initiated to redeploy the Gages EDM reflector; this will take place as soon as new targets arrive on the island.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory