Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 on 10 November
to 16:00 on 11 November 1995

Twenty (20) earthquakes were located during the period under review. The events were concentrated beneath the Soufriere Hills Volcano although several events occurred in other areas to the northeast and northwest of the active zone. The events were mainly volcano-tectonic with focal depths in the range 0-5km. Seven (7) long period events were also recorded.

There was one eruption signal recorded during this period. This occurred at 07:33 on the 11/11/95; no ash emission was reported for this event.

Two mudflows occurred in Gages/Fort Ghaut this morning; both were recorded at the Gages seismic station, the first at 05:48 and the second at 07:43. These followed periods of heavy rain and brought considerable amounts of ash from Thursday morning's eruption down from the flanks of the volcano. Some rumbling noises were heard associated with these mudflows; such mudflows are most likely to occur during periods of heavy rain, especially after ash fall.

The Tar River EDM line was remeasured this morning and showed some shortening, continuing the trend observed over the past several weeks. The rate and total amount of shortening remain below levels of concern. The O'Garra's and Galway's Plantation EDM lines to the top of Chances Mt. were also remeasured today; both showed a small amount of shortening, well below levels of concern. In order to establish a baseline of data for this new station, it will be occupied on a daily basis along with the Tar River site.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory