Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 06 May
to 07:00 07 May 1997
The current alert level is AMBER

Overnight the activity has continued to be dominated by rockfall and small pyroclastic flow signals contributing to the overall low level of activity. Rockfalls have continued to be shed into the both the Tar River and White River Valley from the active part of the dome above the Galway's Wall. Long-period earthquakes continue to be recorded at levels above background. Two regional tectonic earthquakes were recorded overnight at 5:57 pm yesterday and 6:04 am this morning. Preliminary examination of these events indicates that they occurred about 100 kilometres away from Montserrat.

At present rain and cloud are preventing any views of the volcano. A low amplitude signal is currently being recorded on the Gages seismometer indicating that some flash flooding is occurring in the Fort Ghaut.

As usual on Wednesday afternoon the siren system will be tested between 3 and 6 pm.

Whilst dome growth continues at the Soufriere Hills volcano, it remains dangerous. Pyroclastic flows and associated surges could occur at any time and without warning in the Tar River or White River valleys, and these and peripheral areas should not be entered at any time. Rapid changes in the style of activity and areas affected are possible. Visitors to Zone C should thus stay alert and are reminded to stay well clear of ghauts in the event of heavy rain. Masks should be worn in any areas affected by ash.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory