Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 13 April
to 07:00 14 April 1997
The current alert level is ORANGE

Activity at the volcano has continued at a low level overnight. The seismic records have generally been very quiet with only a few small rockfall signals. Since about 4:00 am this morning there has been a small number of hybrid earthquakes, but so far this activity has not been as intense as previous swarms. There has been low amplitude tremor on the Gages seismic station for most of the night.

Currently the visibility is poor, and the summit of the volcano and dome complex are obscured by loud. Observation flights will be made if the conditions clear sufficiently for it to be considered worthwhile.

The volcano remains in an unstable state, and residents of Montserrat should remain alert, and listen to Radio Montserrat for further updates. Further dome collapses could start at any time. Ash masks should be worn in ashy environments. Visits to zone C should be restricted to those that are essential. All of Zone A, which includes Long Ground and St Patrick's, is very dangerous and should not be entered under any circumstances.

MVO would like to congratulate Plenty Plenty Yak Ya Ya for an excellent production of ASH over the weekend. And we would like to say that the activity today is slightly more interesting than a opening a packet of digestive biscuits.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory