Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 02 April
to 07:00 03 April 1997
The current alert level is ORANGE

Activity at the volcano has continued at the a similar level to yesterday. Overnight the seismic records have been dominated by small to moderate size rockfalls. These have occurred as separate events and no continuous periods of very high activity have been recorded. It is most likely that these signals are the result of rockfalls and small pyroclastic flows from the scar above Galway's Wall. There has also been a small number of volcano-tectonic earthquakes recorded during the night. However MVO would like to stress that things can change quickly and further periods of enhanced pyroclastic flow activity can start very quickly.

Currently the volcano is completely cloud free. A moderate steam plume can be seen rising from the northern and western parts of the dome complex. The control tower at the airport report that there are no major changes to the eastern side of the dome. Further observations of the dome complex will be made throughout the day in order to build up a picture of the recent activity.

The heightened activity over the last few days is a result of dome growth of the southern part of the dome adjacent to the Galway's Wall and shows that pyroclastic flows from the dome can occur at any time. There should be no visits to zones A and B and only limited, short visits to zone C. Daytime occupation only is permitted in zone D. People should listen for further updates of the situation from the MVO. For the time being people are advised to remain vigilant while the new activity is being assessed and to always wear an ash mask in the dusty conditions. The Tar River Valley and White River area all the way to the sea are very dangerous and should not be entered at any time.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory