Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 30 January
to 07:00 31 January 1997
The current alert level is ORANGE

The pattern of activity at the volcano remained consistent with yesterday, with two volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms and a few rockfalls. A sequence of hybrid earthquakes also occurred but the general the level of volcanic activity remains low.

The first VT swarm started at 4:50 pm and lasted about 90 minutes. It coincided with an episode of small repetitive hybrid earthquakes that showed up most prominently on the Gages seismograph record. The frequency of occurrence of these events increased to about 5 per minute by the time the episode ended about 10:00 pm. The second swarm began at about 5:30 am, and is still continuing. This swarm is also accompanied by small repetitive hybrid earthquakes.

Observations yesterday suggested that further dome growth continued on the south-eastern face of the dome making it more unstable. This increases the likelihood that another dome collapse will occur in the next few days. Further crumbling of the Galway's Wall is also likely. The Tar River and upper Galway's areas are extremely dangerous, and should not be entered under any circumstances. Zone E, which includes Corkhill and the airport, remains safe at this time.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory