56o03'N, 160o39'E
                  INFORMATION RELEASE No. 55 and 56
  November 24, 1700 KST (0500 UTC) and November 25, 14:30 KST (0230)
On November 24, observers in Klyuchi noted a vigorous gas and steam
plume containing minor ash rising 1 km above the volcano (to an
estimated altitude of 19,000 ft above MSL).  The plume extended to the
NE for more than 30 km from the volcano.  Weak volcanic tremor with
amplitude about 0.15 microns and 22 shallow earthquakes were
registered beneath the crater area.

On November 25, observers in Kozyrevsk 50 km west of the volcano
reported a gas and steam plume of unknown height visible above the
volcano.  Continuous volcanic tremor was recorded about 32 km from the
volcano and 12 shallow earthquakes were recorded beneath the crater
area.  The possibility of more steam and ash explosions similar to
those of the past several days remains high for the near future.