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Member Unit Deposit type Eruptive style Age My *
Z or PGT Flow deposits. <0.19 <0.27
Z or PGT Z2 Well sorted, reverse graded lapilli fall deposit. plinian/subplinian <0.15
Z or PGT Z1 Massive fall deposit made up of lithic clasts with minor pumice clasts. This bed is interstratified with thin ash layers. phreatic
Y Massive pumice lapilli fall deposit. plinian/subplinian
X Massive pumice lapilli fall deposit. plinian/subplinian
V V5 Stratified pyroclastic surge deposit.
V V4 Well sorted pumice lapilli fall deposit stratified in the upper part. plinian/subplinian
V V3 Massive, valley ponding ash flow.
V V2 Well stratified pyroclastic fall deposit formed by plane parallel pumice and black scoria lapilli beds. plinian/subplinian
V V1 Well stratified ash-fall deposit with accretionary lapilli. The laterally continous plane parallel stratification, coupled with its mantling nature suggest a fall origin. phreatoplinian
U U6 Massive ash flow.
U U5 Thinnly stratified pyroclastic surge deposit.
U U4 Stratified pyroclastic surge deposit.
U U3 Stratified, well sorted pumice and scoria lapilli fall deposit. plinian/subplinian
U U2 Thinly stratified pyroclastic surge deposit, formed by many ash and sandy laminae with accretionary lapilli.
T T1 Stratified, well sorted pumice lapilli fall deposit with thin ash layer in the upper part. plinian/subplinian
Tbis Poorly sorted ash and scoria flow.
Sbis Massive ash flow with coarse lithic clasts at the base.
T Stratified scoria cone made up by reddish beds of poorly sorted lapilli and block scoria clasts. A lava flow is interlayered in the basal part. strombolian <0.15 <0.13
S S3 Stratified pyroclastic fall deposit formed by plane parallel pumice and black scoria lapilli beds and ash layers. strombolian
S S2 Surge deposit made up by accretionary lapilli bearing ash layers.
S S1 Stratified pyroclastic fall deposit formed by plane parallel pumice and black scoria lapilli beds and ash layers. strombolian
R Well sorted lapilli fall deposit. plinian/subplinian
Q Massive, valley ponding ash flow deposit.
P Numerous thin lava flows. 0.48+/-0.04 0.53+/-0.08
O Numerous thin lava flows. 0.81+/-0.08
N Thinnly stratified pyroclastic surge deposit, formed by many ash and sandy laminae separated by erosional surfaces. Some laminae show coarse lithic clasts normally graded.
M Matrix-supported, pyroclastic ash-flow deposit.
L Thinnly stratified surge deposit
K Stratified scoria cone made up by gray to reddish beds of poorly sorted lapilli and block scoria clasts. strombolian
J Well sorted pumice lapilli fallout deposit intercalated by discontinous ash layers of surge origin. plinian/subplinian
I I2 Cross-stratified pyroclastic surge deposit formed by ash laminae separated by ondulating surfaces.
I I1 Stratified fall deposit made up by alternating coarse and medium pumice lapilli layers. plinian/subplinian
H Stratified pyroclastic fall deposit formed by well sorted pumice lapilli beds, richer of lithic clasts toward the top. This deposit show thin ash layers of probable surge origin in its upper part. plinian/subplinian
G Stratified pyroclastic surge deposit made up of fine grained laminae, discontinuous laterally.
F Massive ash flow bed with accretionary lapilli.
E Ungraded, well sorted pumice lapilli fall deposit. In the upper part thin stratified fine lapilli layers are present. plinian/subplinian
D Stratified fall deposit made up by alternating fine and medium pumice lapilli layers. In the central part a reverse graded lapilli bed is present. plinian/subplinian
C Stratified pyroclastic surge deposit.
B Stratified fall deposit made up by a poorly sorted lower bed with very coarse, angular pumice and lithic clasts. The upper part is a massive well sorted fine lapilli layer. plinian/subplinian
A Lava dome scoriaceous in the upper part. 0.56+/-0.02 0.80+/-0.03

Page set up on 14 July 1996, last modified on 14 July 1996