This page is intended as a guide for SeaDAS users interested in deriving chlorophyll, and other remote sensing products using SeaWiFS data. This page is not interactive, as you must have both SeaDAS andIDL software to run SeaDAS. Using this page simultaneously with your own software will make the processing easier for a beginner.

Instructions to be typed in are RED. Scrolling window instructions are in dark blue.


Typing seadas at an Xterm prompt will begin the program. This window should appear:

Select Display --> subscene-SeaWiFS interactive L1A L2 file extraction. This box will pop up:

Select an input file. Then enter your Lat. range (49 N, 41 S)and Lon range (-180 W, 180 E). Now select LOAD, and the image wil be brought up in the subscene window, which looks something like this:

In the Subscene window select save to save the file.


In the SeaDAS main menu, select Display -->registerSeaWiFS L1A coastline registration and warping. You'll get this popped up:

In the input selection box, select the file you created in step 1. Now these will pop up.

In the register-scroll window, scroll to the area that needs to be registered and select Load to Register.

In the register-register window, click the Right boxes to rectify the images.

In the register-register window, select Save to File.


Go to the main menu, and select Process-SeawiFS --> msl12-L2 file generation. This window pops up:

Select an input file (the one created in Step 2), and create an output file name. SeaDAS works using a parameter file .

Now in the main window select Run. The processing section will take 10-12 minutes to complete.


In the SeaDAS main menu select Process-->SeaWiFS-->blmap-Batch L2 file projection.

In the Non-interactive SeaWiFS L2 Mapping Program window select an input file (the file created in Step 3).

Select an output file.

Select output products (nLw_412, nLw_443, nLw_490, nLw_510, nLw_555, La_670, La_865, CZCS_pigment, Chlor_a, K_490, eps_78, and tau_865).

Change map projection units to Mercator.

Leave the center lat/lon, rotation, central azimuth, and scale defaults alone.

Enter the lat limit (41,49) and the lon limit (-93,-76).

Select isotropic.

Enter output size (768,1024).

Leave output region defaults.

Select run.


In the SeaDAS main menu select Display-->seadisp.

In the Seadisp main menu select Load-->SeaDAS Mapped

In the Selection for SeaDAS Mapped File window enter the SeaDAS Mapped File filename (the file created in step 4).

Select products (select all).

Select Load.

In the Band List Selection Window select Display.

In The product Display Window select Setups-->Rescale .

In the Display Scaling Setup window, change Scale Type to Log , then select redisplay.

In the product Display window, select Setups-->Coastline.

Select High(~1km)CIA DB Resolution.

Select Coasts(Islands & Lakes) under Mapping Options.

Select go.