Stone Quarry Lake


Stone Quarry Lake

Permission of the local landowner is needed before entry to this beautiful site.

The main quarry here is the Kerner-Jacobs Quarry, which operated from 1892-6, exploited an excellent homogenous red sandstone layer. This produced more than 100,000 cubic feet for several years.  Other quarries struggled for success. In April 1891 James H. Seager of Hancock and men from Detroit and from Racine, Wisconsin, formed the Excelsior Red Stone Company to quarry stone on a second site site (S8, T53N, R32W) inland from Red Rock. Seager managed the quarry locally. F. L. Smith managed the general offices in Detroit. Locating the "true sheet" of stone took one year of systematic exploration. The marketable strata averaged eight feet in thickness, but twenty-one feet of material needed to be removed to reach it. The Excelsior Redstone Company transported its sandstone over three miles of railroad to Red Rock, then shipped it from the docks of the Kerber-Jacobs Company. In 1894 it shipped 18,000 cubic feet and in 1895, 45,000 cubic feet. Because it was unable to sell the stone in had in stock, it produced nothing in 1896 and ceased operations.