Jacobsville Sandstone Lecture

Representing the red rocks of the Keweenaw, which filled the rift valley after the lavas, and which contain the eroded materials from the ancient Huron Mountains as well as rift generated materials, the Jacobsville Sandstone and its precursors underlay about half of the Keweenaw Peninsula, including nearly all of the area south of the Keweenaw Fault. This is a 100 min long lecture about the Jacobsville and why you should care about it.  It is intended for a general audience of people interested in science, rocks and the Earth.  It was recorded in June 2012 as part of an exhibit of the Carnegie Museum of Cultural and Natural History in Houghton.


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Jacobsville Sandstone at Rabbit Bay.  Photo by J Belote

GeoElements of Michigan’s Keweenaw:
Lavas    Sandstone    Fault    Glaciers    Lakehttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/KeweenawGeoheritage/GeoElements.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/BlackLavas/Welcome.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/Sandstone/Welcome.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/The_Fault/Welcome.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/Glaciers/Welcome.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/KeweenawGeoheritage/Lake/Welcome.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2shapeimage_3_link_3shapeimage_3_link_4shapeimage_3_link_5